Went to Tata Steel India Environment Meet 2023

I was one of the students from my school (Sri Krishna Public School) who were sent to the Tata Steel India Environment Meet, which was organized yesterday, on 2nd September 2023. I took part in the Essay Competition and was informed about it a couple of weeks ago. The essay topics would be related to environmental issues and Climate Change, which was mentioned in the invitation letter sent to my school. I had practiced almost nothing in those two weeks and done most of my preparation a day before the event on Friday. I have researched a lot about Climate Change, Global Warming, environmental and social issues related to Climate Change, Policies by Governments, and Ways to control Carbon emissions and capture Carbon from the atmosphere. I had prepared an outline for the essay which I was going to write the next, assuming it was a thousand words long. I was confident that after all this hard work, I would surely win a prize. I usually do not care for winning prizes while...